Stating The Obvious: I, Product (2010)
Congressional Testimony on the use of Computer Networks in Emergency Management (1984)
Modeling as a Communication Process: Computer Conferencing Offers New Perspectives (1977)
There ain’t no “User Science”! A tongue-in-cheek discussion of interactive systems (1976)
The FORUM project: Network conferencing and its future applications (1976)
The Dynamics of Long-term Growth (1975)
The Computer Conferencing System of the Institute for the Future (1974)
The Economics of Text-editing functions: Cost-effectiveness Analysis of NLS and other Systems (1973)
Information Organization for Interactive Use: Design Implications in Data-Base Systems (1973)
Computer Networks and the Interactive Use of Geological Data (1973)
Periodicity in the Radio-frequency Spectrum of the Pulsar CP0328 (1972)
DIRAC: An Interactive Retrieval Language with Computational Interface (1970)
Retrieval Formulae for Inquiry Systems (Natural language AI) (1968)
An Automatic Question-answering System for Stellar Astronomy (1966)
Geologic Applications of Network Conferencing: Experiments with the FORUM System
The DNLS Command Language Monitor on the ARPANET
The Computer Conference, an Altered State of Communication?
The Corporate Database: Asset or Liability for the Future?
The Organization of Research Data Banks: Experience with DIRAC-based Information Systems
Advanced Research
Towards Multi-disciplinary SETI Research (2016)
A System of Classification and Reliability Indicators for UFO reports (2007)
Are UFO Events related to Sidereal Time? (2004)
Physical Analyses in 10 cases of Unexplained Aerial Objects with Material Samples (1998)
Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of UFOs (1990)
Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of UFOs (Russian translation) (1990)
Statement about the UFO Phenomenon before the Political Committee of the UN, New York City (1978)
Remote viewing experiments through computer conferencing (1976)
Basic Patterns in UFO Observations (1975)
About “Crop Circles” and Alien Glyphs (or are they microwave blasters?)
Note on the Probability of Contact with Superior Galactic Communities
French Papers
OVNIs: Entre 10 et 20% de cas inexpliqués (2017)
Système de Classification et d’Indicateurs de Fiabilité pour l’Etude des OVNI (2007)
Anges et investisseurs dans la Silicon Valley (2006)
Le succès de la Silicon Valley est-il exportable? (1998)
Les Langages de Gestion et l’Implantation Rationnelle des Fichiers (1968)
Théorie des Systèmes Autocodeurs (1967)
Observation of the decay of the first stage of Sputnik-I (1958)
Demain La Terre – French translation of ‘Worlds Beyond’